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Classic Jewelers is Where Orange County Cashes In Their Jewelry & Diamonds!

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We are the leading buyers of 
Jewelry & Diamonds in Orange County. 

We pay the absolute highest and offer a relaxed and informative experience. 

We Beat All Competitors Offers!

Visit Us Today!
We Buy Diamonds!
Classic Jewelers
5753 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd, 
Anaheim Hills, CA 92807

We Pay The Highest for Gold & Diamonds

When it comes to selling your gold or diamonds rely on Classic Jewelers to pay you the absolute highest. 

We will buy your gold based on the current days New York market price for gold and then we will reuse every bit of the gold for our Jewelry we manufacture. We do not take your Jewelry and sell it to another business. Cash For Gold stores typically will pay on average 30% of the market price for gold then profit the other 70% for themselves when they resell the gold to someone else. 

Get more cash by skipping the middlemen businesses and sell your gold directly to an experienced jeweler!

​How can we afford to pay higher than another Jeweler?

We are a family owned jewelry store we do not have to pay for huge advertising campaigns, expensive rent, and not having to pay commission for employees allows us to pay consistently pay the highest for your old jewelry. Our experience allows us to properly appraise the value of your jewelry and know its full value! 

  Don't trust the opinion of an employee of a jewelry store! 
  They don't have the experience and they will be making commission off your jewelry. 
  Instead get the opinion of a jewelry store owner such as Norman.
  Get the most money from your Jewelry from an experienced jeweler. 

Highest Gold Price Ever in History!

There Has Never Been a Better Time to 
Sell Gold!

Please ask to see Norman (Owner) 
If interested in selling Jewelry. Thank you.